Friday, October 4, 2013

Final Project: Smile Shiffman

Smile Shiffman is a work based on the FaceOSCReceiver. First, it analyzes the width of the mouth. Then, the OSC values are matched with sentences added to the Processing sketch. Finally, both the values and the sentences are displayed on real time on the screen. The app employs FaceOSCSyphon and the Processing FaceOSC libraries.

Smile Shiffman was recently presented in the Aesthetics of Automation class. People had a good time testing it. It will also be employed as a module for my thesis research. 

This first version recognizes smiles and displays a joke on Dan Shiffman. Some of those jokes were adapted from The project will be completed when Shiffman himself tests it, and hopefully starts laughing at himself. After doing some probability calculations I found that it can turn into an infinite loop. We will see.

The aim behind is this experiment is to create a system that will identify elements in the digital and physical world (including gestures), and will translate those elements into metaphors. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Eigenfaces experiment with ITP students

An app that not only creates cool Eigenfaces, but also works as a Face recognition tool. Images were placed in two different folders and trained very little. The results were extremely accurate (100%).